Carbs are okay! In fact, theyre great for weight loss! Proponents of fad diets like and keto and paleo wouldnt have you believe it, but carbohydrates are actually the preferred source of energy for the human body and have an important place in a healthy lifestyle. Heres why carbs actually help with weight loss:
1. Theres a common saying in weight-loss nutrition: fat burns in a carbohydrate flame. This is due to a complex series of reactions that take place in fat metabolism. In short, pyruvate (a product of carbohydrate metabolism) must be available in the mitochondria for us to break down fat for energy. Without carbohydrates available, fat metabolism stalls until the body begins breaking down protein for pyruvate. So we need that carbohydrate flame to burn fat!
2. Most people talking about weight loss would like to lose fat, not muscle. After all, muscles perform important functions in the body and help us look lean and ...