How to Make your Competition Swarovski Crystal Bikini Sparkle even Brighter on Stage!
Honestly, I always get so excited when it comes to blink crystals and bikinis. Is that just me ? Or do you feel the same way?
What image do you have in your mind when you hear about fitness competition? Tiny bitty swarovski crystal bikini fully covered in sparkling gems. Judges call your number and here you are gracefully moving to the center of that stage in your blinked competition bikini crystal suit. Ready to show of all the hard work, every little muscle you had been working on so hard for the last couple of months.
Yes, even though it might be the ideal version of stage bikini for many girls some do prefer to keep the bling to minimal.
Also if you do like the shiny crystal bikini but have a tiny budget to spend on your bikini ( yes bodybuilding competitions are pretty expensive including trainer, posing coach, tan, competition jewelry, heels etc) choosing a holographic fabric for your ...
Jill Barker: A little friendly competition fuels the fitness flames
November 10, 2019