Stephanie Sequeira

Competition Prep Coach


Want to take your physique into a whole different level? Because Competitions Preparation is a whole different animal, I only take serious individuals who are willing to work hard and put in a 100% in effort. The coaching plans are highly accountable and monitored to create the best results. The coaching is an open and constant relationship between the client and the coach. The plans are individually created to fit the needs of the athlete as they approach the show date. I strive to have the best relationship possible with each and every single one of my athletes. When you are coached by me, we will schedule a mandatory weekly call check-in. That way I can better assess the situation, make changes, and you can ask me any questions that you may have. Along with the weekly check in calls, you will also have full access to me via text, email, or call for anytime support. I believe that a coach-athlete relationship is crucial for the success of the athlete and constant communication is super important. PROGRAMS:- * Competition Prep Coaching - Competition preps can vary from anywhere between 8 weeks to 20 weeks depending on the individuals progress. * Non-competition Prep Coaching - Training & Nutrition Coaching - 16 Weeks * Posing Sessions- 45 minutes, one on one PROFESSIONAL COMPETITION EXPERIENCE:- * 2018 IFBB IFBB Mile High Pro * 2018 IFBB IFBB Dennis James Pro * 2018 IFBB Pittsburgh Pro * 2017 IFBB Ferrigno Legacy Pro (10th) * 2017 IFBB Iron Games * 2017 IFBB Ft Lauderdale cup (top 10) * 2017 IFBB Chicago Pro * 2017 IFBB Omaha Pro (top 10- 8th place) * 2017 IFBB Optimum Classic (top 5) * 2016 IFBB Naples pro * 2016 IFBB Coastal USA * 2016 IFBB Prestige Crystal Cup AMATEUR COMPETITION EXPERIENCE:- * NPC National Bodybuilding Championships, November 2015 * Mike Matarazzo Classic, November 2015 * IFBB Wings of Strength Chicago ProAm, July 2015 * NPC Junior Nationals , June 2015 * NPC Dexter Jackson Classic, August 2014 * NPC Ancient City Classic, July 2014 PERSONAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE * Currently a Health and Fitness Trainer with Team Long, Jacksonville * Previous: 1 year as a self employed trainer following 4 months as a Personal Training Sales Associate at L.A. Fitness * National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certification * Personal Training - I am qualified to instruct people to achieve a heightened level of health and fitness.
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Stephanie's coaching services have really helped me with my first bikini competition prep. She is very responsive and answers the many questions I have. She even takes time to meet with her clients on Skype for 30-40 mins at a time to practice posing and just talk, it's super helpful! Her workouts are killer but crazy fun to do, and I feel I've already made a lot of progress in the short time I've been working with her.
Read more Megan, Bikini Athlete (@MagesticMegan)
I started training with my coach, Stephanie Sequeira, a Team Long athlete and coach in April 2016. My goal was to compete in a NPC bikini competition. I had very little information on the sport, I only knew about the glamourous after stage shots that tend to flood Instagram. But like most, I was captivated by their shiny bikinis, makeup, and abs! From the beginning “Coach Steph” (her official name saved in my contact list), was super informative and more importantly MOTIVATING. She was just a text message away for 16 whole weeks, my “day one” if you will. From helping me with the right foods and training to bikini shopping and posing, and the occasional motivator when I wasn’t getting it from myself. After 16 long weeks of weights, cardio, repeat and a peak week that seemed to last longer than 7 days, I stepped on stage a completely different human. I felt confident after hearing how Coach Stephanie was so pleased with the way I looked, not only on show day, but every check-in leading to the big day! I couldn’t be any more proud to be a part of Team Long, they helped me reach my goal of entering my first bikini show and now I’m hooked! My next show is in December 2016 and I know Stephanie and Team Long will be just as awesome with helping me bring the best package as I can possibly bring!
Read more Emilee, Bikini Athlete (@_Emil33)
Stephanie helped turned my fitness around for the Better. I was active in high school and even through college, but no where near like I was in high school. I didn't maintain my fitness, and always thought I still had a little residual muscle left. Looking back now at what I've been able to accomplish in only 2 months, I don't know why I didn't take better care of myself before. I tried many times to get back into health and fitness, but my results wouldn't go up and I would quit. Together, we found a exercise regimen that made improvements again, and finally I'm happy with my body (still more to go!). And to add to it, I started eating right and the tips I got from her really helped speed results.
Read more Joseph (@projectjoey)
All throughout high school I was very active in sports. When I got to college, weight lifting became a passion of mine. For about two years, I did my own thing in regards to my fitness and nutrition. Unfortunately, I eventually felt as if I hit a plateau. I wanted to bring my fitness to the next level, so I considered competing in a bikini competition. This is around the time I came across Stephanie, my current coach. I talked to her about competitions, still being really "iffy" about the thought of me on stage. I never felt as if I could look like those competitors. Eventually, I began working with coaches, Sarah and Stephanie, and began my first prep! It was a long and tough 15 weeks of show prep, but I LOVED every second of it. With Team Long, I was able to achieve an even better package than I ever imagined possible for myself. I was able to discipline myself, as well as find new limitations and push past them. I ended up bringing home fourth place in my very first show. Now, I can't wait to do it all over again!
Read more Shelby, Bikini Athlete (@ShelbyStavena)
I am a firm believer in saying, 'If you don't like something about yourself, change it.' When I moved to Chicago, I was highly discontent with my body image and weight which prompted me to start working with Stephanie. By far, it has been the best decision that I have made in a long time. Over the past 4 months, her knowledge, motivation, and guidance has helped me to lose almost 30 lbs. and I feel so amazing! I never could have imagined that I would be at this place physically. I will continue to use the tools and advice that Stephanie gave me well into the future as I work to reach my final goal. The feeling that I get when I look in the mirror is incomparable and I have Stephanie to thank for that!
Read more Khadeidra

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