Shana Leigh

Bikini & Figure Competition Coach
Shana Leigh Fitness


I am a bikini and figure competition prep coach and personal trainer that works with women & men of all ages and fitness levels. I am a NESTA Certified Personal Trainer and nutrition certified. I got started in the fitness industry in 2010 when I entered my first bikini competition. I was inspired by a girlfriend of mine who was doing figure competitions. I was amazed at her training and how it totally changed her body! I wanted to try it. Growing up I was always in sports, but as an adult I wasn't as active as I wanted to be. I mean, I went to the gym, did a few lunges, and a TON of cardio, and ate "healthy" but I really had no clue what I was doing and I never really saw real results. After my friend did a few shows and kept winning 1st place, I decided I was going to hire a trainer and follow her example. So I did! I fell in love with learning how to actually weight train! Plus, it made me feel incredible and so energized. He got me on a meal plan and I was leaner and stronger than I had ever been before. I was stoked! 3 months after hiring this trainer, I did my competition and I placed 5th! Friends started asking me what I was doing at the gym and what I was eating and I shared my knowledge with them so they too could change their life! After about a year, I decide to get certified as a trainer and nutrition counselor and extend my reach to help even more people. It's basically been a snowball effect since then! I have never stopped learning and growing as a fitness expert and coach. I was, and still am very passionate about sharing with others everything I have learned over the many years of living the fitness life, be it in the gym, or anywhere! Even though I haven't done a fitness competition in many years, I have evolved my training and programs for myself and my clients to fit any lifestyle and goal. You have many options to choose from, even if you are a beginner and have never worked out before. I have something for every fitness level!! My hope is to share with you anything I can that will help you in your journey. Even if we don't work 1-1 together, I know you can find many useful and valuable tools here on my site that will help guide you to where you want to be. If you have any questions, PLEASE don't hesitate to message me!
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Comp Divisions

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(8 Photos)


My core and back are much stronger, I've lost weight, added muscle and strength, and have improved my flexibility. I owe it all to Shana and her guidance.
Mike P
Thank you for making me try things you knew I wouldn’t be able to and pushing me until I finally got it. Thank you for reminding me that my mind is in control of my body.
Lindsay (lost 20 lbs)

Photos & Videos

(8 Photos)

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