Matt Rizzo

Competition Prep Coach
Unrivaled Physiques


I am a competition prep coach for bikini, figure, physique and bodybuilding competitors. As an FAU Alum and Published Researcher, I’ve been counting macros for more than ten years. I was counting macros and getting lean naturally before the term "IIFYM" was coined, before anyone really knew what macros were! I got my start in fitness as I was browsing forums in 2005. I started tracking calories and counting macros on a notebook before apps even existed. I was severely underweight, always the skinny kid. I gained 20lbs in a year naturally. I started lifting by implementing protocols from reading, research, and education. I programmed myself and my bench jumped from 125 to 205 in 11 weeks. I had been lifting for two years consistently, personal trainers suggested I should do a bodybuilding show. I successfully competed and the rest is history. At Unrivaled Physiques we practice honesty, integrity, and a hands on approach while building long term relationships with clients. We use science and proven research to create programs uniquely tailored to each client's needs. With over 13 years of experience in the fitness industry and 300+ satisfied clients ranging from the Pro level to post pregnancy, multiple pro cards in multiple organizations, as well as national pro/am judging experience we are excited for you to allow us to bring you to your full potential. We offer a range of consulting services, all designed to help you reach unlimited fitness and health potential. Here at Unrivaled Physiques your health is paramount. Each client is unique. Shakes, Pills, Fad diets, one size fits all "meal-plans" will always come and go. We deliver custom proven solutions, tailored to you for a lifetime of happiness.
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I came to Matt after receiving unhealthy and damaging advice from a coach in my area. I joined in January 2014 and I have never imagined how much my body would change over the 1.5 years I have been his client. After a 6 month building phase and a 19 week prep, Matt dialed me in to look phenomenal at my first two shows in November 2014. At only 19 years old, I couldn't believe how I looked. Matt's coaching led me to lose over 30 pounds, deadlift 365lbs at 118lbs, and transform me from a figure to bikini competitor without losing an insane amount of muscle. From a competitor's stand point, he knows my body better than I do and knows exactly what to do in order to make me look incredible on and off the stage. Matt gives his clients all the attention and support they need to succeed and I can't ask anymore from him than he already has done for me.
Read more Isabelle "Izzie" Sarnek, NPC Teen Figure / NPC Bikini
I have worked on and off with Matt Rizzo / Unrivaled Physiques for about 5 years now. Initially I reached out to Matt in 2013 after having a coach who cared more about aesthetics than my health. Working with this "bro coach" gave me a bad relationship with certain foods. From the very first day, Matt made things easy to comprehend and gave me a sense of freedom when it came to eating certain foods. In 2013 we did a reverse/recovery diet in order to increase my metabolic capacity and muscle mass to make for a more sustainable competition prep in the future. During my competition preps in 2015, 2016, and 2017 Matt always fed me ample carbs and fats for my body type, we never cut out salt/sodium and come peak week there was no need for crazy manipulations or water cutting. Working with Matt has increased my knowledge when it comes to macronutrients, meal timing, workout splits and overall I have a better relationship with all foods! Matt taught me how to have longevity in a hobby I love with realistic lifestyle approach. Learning to track my macro intake and being accountable of what proteins,carbs, and fats I choose to put in my body is something I continue to apply in my everyday life. There's a level of trust required when you put your body/competition prep in the hands of someone else, Matt has continuously gained my trust and the proof is in the results!
Read more Ana Paula - IFBB Pro
I signed up with Matt because I wanted to compete in my first bodybuilding show, in the Men's Physique division. I had a relative sense of tracking macros and adhering to proper nutrition standards, but I soon realized that I still had a lot left to learn. Since that starting point, Matt's coaching caused me to re-evaluate how I looked at training, nutrition, and so much more. In addition to bodybuilding, another one of my hobbies is powerlifting. As soon as he learned this, he was also able to create a DUP training program that helped me maintain my strength while in a steady caloric deficit, which I loved. For bodybuilders, powerlifters, or anyone out there who's looking to simply make a huge lifestyle change and see great results, Matt Rizzo is the guy for you!
Read more Dr. Cameron Greene, Doctor of PT - Men's Physique Competitor
Three years ago I began my journey back to fitness after some time off and decided that I was going to surpass any level of conditioning I had previously reached. After doing some lifting by myself I realized that although I was lifting heavy and often, my physique and overall health would benefit greatly from guidance by someone with more knowledge. I had known Matt for 7 years and when I found myself unable to reach the next level with my experience, I knew he was the one I should reach out to. I had paid close attention to the professionalism in which he ran his business and the intelligence he used to help clients attain goals, physically and mentally. I saw results so quickly with Matt's programming, literally in less than 2 months we had changed my entire physique! I had always wanted to compete in a show but hadn't been mentally ready up until this point and we completely crushed the goal of becoming nationally qualified in just two shows. Matt has strategy in his coaching which is something I greatly respect because he always achieves what he sets out to do with his clients all while prioritizing their health. Matt has taught me how to have more self control in my eating habits while still enjoying the food I like and provided me with the tools I need to be consistent. Matt's knowledge on macronutrients, metabolism, and bodybuilding has helped me transform into the athlete I've wanted to be. I was grateful to place 2nd in Novice and 3rd in Open in my first show and my second show I received 1st place and Nationally Qualified. Through us working together, I have become a happier, healthier, and more intelligent woman. Looking forward to becoming a pro in the future with Unrivaled Physiques!
Read more Rissa Panagos, NPC Nationally Qualified - R.D Student
I came to Matt unhappy with my body and confused as to why my physique didn’t reflect my athleticism. When I began taking his direction I saw changes very quickly, which encouraged me to continue. Matt’s expertise in nutrition and programming is evident, and he uses this skill to tailor his programs to each individual case. For example, I have a passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and he was wonderful in working around my training times and even using them to our advantage. Matt’s attentiveness always makes me forget that I’m not his only client, as he is always prompt in his reply and perceptive to my questions. Getting the self-control needed to dial in my nutrition had always been difficult for me, but Matt made sure that I never felt hungry. Within a span of three months I became leaner than I ever have been without losing strength. As a complete beginner to weightlifting, I was so happy to have Matt’s patience to guide me through the fundamentals of programming and technique. He believes in my ability and always expects one step more from me, which has let me smash goals one after another. Going from not being able to do a one pull-up to accomplishing 6 in a row strict as well as deadlifting twice my body weight has been incredible for my confidence inside the gym and outside as well. I would definitely recommend Matt to my friends, family and anyone looking to improve their physical and mental health!
Read more Aline A. Student / Brazilian Ju Jitsu Competitor / Lifter (9 month transformation)

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